Hello everyone,
Welcome to the NTCU Chinese Courses. The following is the course information. Please read this document carefully. If you have any questions about our courses or just want to find out more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
聯絡資訊(Contacts information):
上課地點: 臺中市西區向上路一段6號
Location: No.6, Sec. 1, Xiangshang Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
(You can see the map here: https://www.google.com.tw/maps/place/No.+6,+Section+1,+Xiangshang+Rd,+West+District,+Taichung+City,+403/@24.1468086,120.6671651,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x34693d74f93d510f:0x762350a4c8019860!8m2!3d24.1468037!4d120.6693538?hl=en )
承辦人: 曾小姐
承辦人辦公室: 1樓辦公室
Office:Floor 1, S101
辦公室電話: 04-22183286
Office Tel:04-22183286
email: clc@mail.ntcu.edu.tw
零起點A—林詩芳老師,每週一、四 18:30-20:40,開班下限8人。
Starter A:Ms. Lin, Monday and Thursday 18:30-20:40 (minimium number of students: 8)
零起點B─林美伶老師,每週一、三 18:30-20:30,開班下限10人。
Starter B :Ms. Lin, Monday and Wednesday 18:30-20:30 (minimium number of students: 10)
初級班—黃雅惠老師,每週二、四 18:30-20:30。
Basic:Ms. Huang, Tuesday and Thursday 18:30-20:30
中級班—毛書緹老師,每週一、四 18:30-20:30。
Intermediate:Ms. Mao, Monday and Thursday 18:30-20:30
中高級班—覃玟川老師,每週二、四 18:30-20:50。
High – Intermediate:Ms. Qin, Tuesday and Thursday 18:30-20:50
中級商務華語—蔡孟萍老師,每週二、五 18:20-20:40。
Intermediate Business Chinese:Ms. Tsai, Tuesday and Friday 18:20-20:40
The course fee 3500+registration fee 100 (Former student discount: 3000+registration fee 100).
The maximum number of student in each class is 20 people.
You are able to transfer classes within the first week in order to find the class that fits your needs.
Course fees are paid to the instructor one week after the start of the course.
You may miss up to 6 class sessions(12 hours). If you miss more than that, we won’t give you a certificate of completion.
5. 未達開課人數,教師保有開課權利
The number of students who have not approach minimium number of class, the teacher has the right to start classes
6. 如果申請退費,課程時數未超過全部課程三分之一,可退半數費用
If you apply for a refund, the number of courses does not exceed one third of the entire course, and half of the fees can be refunded.
7. 本單位保留課程調整及異動之權利。
Class schedules are subject to change by the NTCU-DCE-CLC. Courses may be cancelled due to force majeure (unforeseen circumstances such as Covid-19, typhoons, earthquakes, etc).
#The course schedule: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gEUfHZNBQnKCRQLDSxCt5O_OBktj4tPW